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Why don t teachers make more money

why don t teachers make more money

Full Name Email Subject Message. Back to: Teacher Compensation: Fact vs. Teacher pay has been falling since the s — and particularly over the last five years, said Linda Darling-Hammond, president and CEO of the Learning Policy Institute. For many occupations, however, there is a significant disparity between pay and meaning.

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why don t teachers make more money
That is an excellent question. Teachers are off during the summer, but they are also only paid for nine months of work not twelve as many people think. Don’t forget that it is the teacher who teaches the garbage man to read and write so that he is able to obtain the job, it also the teacher that teaches the doctor, laywer and all other professions. Please give credit where credit is due. Kickass skater, please cite your source. I find that number very hard to believe.

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By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. Google Search. Post Your Opinion. Create New Poll. Sign In Sign Up. Follow debateorg. The Instigator. Do you like this debate? Report this Argument. Post a Comment. Showing 1 through 3 records. Report this Comment. Showing 1 through 10 records. Report this Vote. You are not eligible to vote on this debate. This debate has been configured to only allow voters who meet the requirements set by the debaters.

This debate either has an Elo score requirement or is to be voted on by a select panel of judges. Pro Teachers, what would we do without them? Not a whole lot when you think about it. So why aren’t they paid as much moee doctors, entertainers, lawyers. We would not have doctors without teachers, nor entertainers or lawyers.

Without teachers the world would be, quite frankly, «in the crapper». Why then are the taught paid more than the teachers? The pupil’s salaries surpass the pedagogue’s. I await for my opponent, and would in advance like to thank them, and wish them good luck.

Firstly, let me state that I agree teachers do an invaluable job. Teachers will generally have 13 weeks per year, compared to an allowance of perhaps 4 weeks per year for most other professionals. This discrepancy — about two months’ extra time off — should rightfully impact on pay. Due to the mediocre pay scales, nobody will join teaching «for the money». People who desire to teach, generally, will be motivated by a a natural desire to educate, or b a passion for sharing their speciality subject.

Hopefully this leads to a strong teaching force who are in the profession for wholesome reasons. That’s all for. Pro Thank you for accepting this debate simmyjaye. Athletes generally get very long amounts of time off of work makw their season ends, and while they do do training, they generally get most of it off. Also, many television actors only have mofe act for the show for a few months and can have the rest of the time off until they need to record the next season.

Also, high monetary gain may not be incentive enough for people when 12 extra years of school are involved, give or take a few years. Report this Argument Con In response to your point about entertainers, athletes and TV actors having lots of time off This is true. You wouldn’t argue that a teacher should receive pay comparable to that of, say, a world-class footballer, so I feel it is redundant to make that kind of link.

Of course, you could probably persuade many that world-class footballers are overpaid, but that’s a different argument. In response to your point that the pay climb is relatively poor, even with experience and degrees I disagree. Teachers have many opportunities to move onto a higher pay scale based on their experience and qualifications.

Nowadays, in the UK, «excellent teacher» status can be acquired by collecting evidence of high quality teaching, which moves the teacher onto a more generous pay scale. In addition, in secondary education, roles such as head of department, head of year, and examinations officer can be sought out which add points mmoney pay. They are educator, disciplinarian, and sometimes counselor. They have to watch over children for 6 hours of the day, not to mention how much times they work before and after those 6 hours, and the amount of correcting they teaachers to do, which takes up most of their free time.

Report this Argument Con Certainly, I agree that the job of a teacher is multi-faceted. This, however, does not separate it from the multi-skilled professions we are comparing it to. With time management skills and a reasonable expection of what can be achieved in a day, tezchers teachers why don t teachers make more money able to come home at 5pm, using their contracted non-contact time with pupils to complete planning and marking as you yourself have stated, the actual contact time usually accounts for around six hours, leaving the rest of the day for preparation.

There are many opportunities for teachers in most places to feachers up pay scales and take on other roles and responsibilities to increase their pay.

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Brown, the Kentucky teacher, says the fight needs to happen now or. Ninety-seven percent of kindergarten and 85 percent of elementary school teachers are women; gender parity in teaching staff doesn’t occur until high schoolwhen 50 percent of teachers are male. Send This article to:. Great Public Schools for Every Student. Upon moving to Texas, he realized he could make much more in a different field. Teachers have detailed the financial difficulties that come as the result of years-long pay freezes and growing pensions that dig deeper into their paychecks. Recent protests across the country have reinforced the perception that public school teachers are dramatically underpaid. If school districts why don t teachers make more money their students to have the most professional teachers, they must pay a professional salary. In a state legislature, they can more heavily push their colleagues to adapt higher budgets for public education, or as state superintendent, they can use their classroom experience to inform their policymaking. Insight Lab. Teachers have faced stifled wages and pay freezes for years. Your Email has been sent. By last year, they made


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