Fyndir Registered User regular. Shiftwork in the Dead Letter Office. If you don’t want to farm Nook, you should probably stick with the «vanilla bunch», still profitable: the well-known Surface route: have full crew and about 25 Fuel, fill the rest of your cargo bay with Coffee from Port Cavendish, hit Cumaean Canal, sell your Coffee in Vienna, haul cargo in Mediterranean until your crew drops to about half; helping the Anarchists a couple of times 6 max and selling Recent News in Naples gives you various free stuff making startup trivial. It can then be sold at the Gant Pole for 37 Echoes for a profit of 12 Echoes per unit.
I still have a mountain of Scintillack to sell varcahs Varchas as. I expect to make a tidy profit on this trip. I knew it was there because they still leave wake, and you can target and fight them normally, but they can sneak up on you if you aren’t expecting it. And he’d never really been the most calm and stable of my crew. One of the guards escorted him up to the Checkmate.
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I still have a mountain of Scintillack to sell in Varchas as. I expect to make a tidy profit on this trip. I knew it was there because they still leave wake, and you can target and fight them normally, but they can sneak up on you if you aren’t expecting it. And he’d never really been the most calm and stable of my crew. One of the guards escorted him up to the Checkmate.
I hope he’s able to handle it. It’s a far cry from fog Correspondence he knew. And probably half the crew he knew is gone, including Helios, who he seemed to be good friends. Still, varhcas it will fof better than living under the Zee. After that, I requested a boon from him for the story I had been given.
He graciously offered me quite a supply of coal, delivered directly to my ship by his unnerving minions. Most of them knew better. August 23rd, On its good days, the Uttershroom isn’t a bad place to visit.
Today was a fairly good day. And I’ll admit, I’ve sort of missed having blemmigans around the ship. The little creatures grow on you, after a. Hopfully these ones will be a little less Energetic than the last pair. The only one momey board who could keep up with them was the Monkey Foundling. As we departed the Varhas, we discovered quite a sight — A massive crab, who seemed to be making its home in the wreck of a ship.
Now, while I may not be the closest adherent of the code of the Zee, I’m fairly certain that letting an enormous beast defile the resting place of fellow zailors isn’t permitted, and I was willing to go to battle over it.
It varfhas gave us a chance to finally try the Blue Scintillack, which the Cannoneer has been quite excited about for some time. It works remarkably well — Those on the guns simply said they felt they instinctively knew how to line up another shot. Blue Scintillack immediately fills all of your firing solutions, allowing for an immediate, full volley. The Scintillack itself has a tye second cooldown.
It’s fantastically useful. Even a crab this size couldn’t stand up to that kind of barrage for long. There was nothing of use on the body, but at least plzce can consider ourselves the avengers of the Mikko.
August 26th, We’ve arrived at Varchas. Once more, I expect to have to wait several days in order to fully sunless sea varchas is the best place for making money with the contents of my hold. Mooney, this should be the last time. I don’t imagine the Principalities will be particularly forthcoming with mesmeric coral in the near future. As we docked, I noticed one of the Belmmigans looking curiously over the railing.
While the city itself is probably too bright for the little guys, the jungle around the city looks perfect for. I went ahead and ushered it down the gangplank and it vanished without a trace, I then went about doing my trading. Since I had an excess of Blue Scinillack on board, so I decided to offer some to the clergy. They were quite generous in their payment.
Once more, I expect this to be a very profitable several days. August 30th, As I finished trading today, something very unusual happened. The people of Varchas have, it seems, been preparing for a pilgrimage.
An enormous and glorious wagon-train has been prepared, ready to take them far afield and let them bask in the light of Stone. The number of people that are making the trip is staggering. The trip will certainly be long, and arduous; and if the light-producing machine they’ve varchhas should break down, they might all wind up Taamas. It’s an incredible risk.
Stone must be quite a sight. I must admit, I’m a little jealous. All the same, there’s nothing left for me here, with half the city away. The Checkmate will be departing soon, to the next stop on our trading voyage. September 2nd, The Empire of Hands is an exhausting place. While my Blemmigan was happy sunless sea varchas is the best place for making money see the trees and humidity, I think I shall be taking a long vacation from these islands. After my arrival, my first order of business was to head to the Court, and offer them outlandishly large gifts of wine.
He was willing to offer a large supply of coffee for the drinks — A very profitable exchange, and one that’s rather untraceable. The coffee doesn’t seem any different than anything I could have picked up anywhere. A few lines in the ship’s log about purchasing it at Port Carnelian and nobody will think anything of it. After that, I decided to go and check on the Darling Adventuress.
She had finally finished her preparations to enter the Tomb, and I was just lucky enough to be present when she finally cracked open the tomb. The darkness inside is overwhelming, but it was easily dealt.
Within, the monkeys had reconstructed a seq puzzle, blocking the path deeper into the temple. The Adventuress decided, in all her wisdom, to allow me to deal with this tje. So I did. My solution was certainly not what the apes would have been looking for, but it got varchaw through, and honestly.
Who makes a puzzle that takes that long to solve? It probably wouldn’t have worked even if I solved it. Monkeys aren’t known for their engineering prowess. A maze was our next problem, but it was simple and easily navigated. Fitting for an effort by apes Then came something significantly more dangerous. While speaking with the Seneschal, she was able to give me something to assist with exploring the tomb, and also informed me of a plan to bring hydrogen from Hell to fill the Zeppelin.
On one hand, this seems like a very bad plan. On the other hand, I don’t actually care if a bunch of monkeys blow themselves up, so I’ll go ahead and do it the next time I’m near Hell.
With the chit of red honey I’d been provided, I was able to translate the runes. The history recorded in the hall is Not entirely in-line with my understanding of the Neath.
The trip to the deepest reach of the vault went without anything deserving of mention. In the depths of the vault, before the final door that seemed to lock away the most deep room of the tomb, laid another bowl of red honey chips.
The Adventuress has avoided them, probably because she doesn’t think anything from monkeys. Why other apes who’d gotten so far did not try them became clear after I did. If I lived in the Empire of Hands, I would not much care for these chips. Even given my own relatively elevated state, I feel pity for them, and cannot imagine the sorrow of someone who would wish to see them do better.
It also gave me what I needed to open the final door. Fortunately, in my hour of need, my crew were able to assist me. The Foundling found me and removed me from the temple through a secret path. I may even forgive her for stealing my clothes after. We moved quickly, making our way back to the beach where the rowboats would be waiting.
Decision time! How do we navigate this sticky situation? As a reminder, both our Hearts and Irons are pretty low. Choose wisely!
Sunless Sea’s Best Mechanic And Why It Works — Cogwatch
The Sunlfss : Technically, both are, since they are both very attractive individuals who work for a man who runs the pirate and drug businesses. I’ve recently poace myself the merchant boat, am in awe at the cargo size, and am looking for the most profitable route of normal goods, at least in the Neath. Gary Gygax wrote:. If you are fortunate you foor echoes, around profit Leave Naples with fuel and enough supplies you can just max out supplies because you will be able to sell it back in London for the same price you bought it Go to Isle of Cats, Sell your Sunlight If you are lucky, you keep your mirrorcatchbox, profit echoes If you are not, you sunless sea varchas is the best place for making money it and gain echoes, profit echoes If you lose your box, heads up directly to Khan to buy a box again or it will not be worth it Go back to london. Probably your ship needs repairs by. Port reports stop being as profitable. Early captains should focus on getting legacies.
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