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I want to be a personal trainer, Stirper want to know if I can make a career out of it. Of course I want to enhance my education and specialize something eventually, but for the time being can I make a living being a personal trainer? Most personal trainers don’t make. Its about the same as a teacher. However, there are a ton of personal trainers that bring in big money.
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The number one thing that dancers like about stripping is the money. Most women expressed that, at least in the beginning , to be given rolls of cash for making conversation, drinking freely, and giving the occasional private dance was very exciting. For many dancers, like Laura, who is 19 years old, money made from stripping also allowed them much needed financial security , and the means to provide some luxuries for their children. Laura said:. It’s helped our life a lot because financially speaking — I moved out when I was 16, had my little boy at Whereas now, in two weeks I’m doing a big haunted house for all the kids in the neighborhood.
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The number one thing that dancers like about stripping is the money. Most women expressed that, at least in the beginningto be given rolls of cash for making conversation, drinking freely, and giving the occasional private dance was very exciting.
For many dancers, like Laura, who is 19 years old, money made from stripping also allowed them much needed financial securityand the means to provide some luxuries for their children. Laura said:. It’s helped our life a lot because financially speaking — I moved out when I was 16, had my little boy at Whereas now, in two weeks I’m doing a big haunted house for all the kids in the neighborhood.
I’ve put thousands of dollars into it just for the kids, and we’re still okay. Birthday parties, Christmas, wanting to just go to the zoo, or do something — that’s a possibility now, and it’s really not that hard for me to achieve because our work is so flexible and we can work as much as we want.
So I can just work an extra night and these things are possible. Can you make good money being a line striper of the women I interviewed also shared stories of men who gave them a large sum of money without heing any sexual favors in exchange.
These experiences are important to dancers not only because lne is gratifying to receive a gift of money but also because they reaffirm the woman’s belief in the generosity of some clients. Dana’s story is typical of these lucrative encounters with clients:. I had a really good customer come in, a younger guy, and ,ake totally didn’t trust him. He always wanted to go out, and I thought he was married. I still wonder to this day if he was married.
But he came in, and on my birthday last year he brought in seven or eight hundred dollars: here you go, no strings attached, no. I thought that was really neat. Most of them are just like that, people just being nice.
An older guy — he was a bwing dealer vood he came in around Christmas time, and I sat can you make good money being a line striper him for a little bit, and he asked me what I bought for my daughter. I wasn’t able to. And he said, «You need to get that baby beign, here,» and he slaps two hundred dollars on the table.
Some moneyy have encountered customers who come to strip clubs not expecting dances in return for their money. Recently single, and working on New Year’s Eve, April was feeling a little blue until she danced for a generous customer:.
I was single and W was kind of depressed. He comes in and we go up to the VIP room. So that was pretty cool. I was a neurology major at the time, and we were talking about the structure of the brain while I was dancing for him, and it was really weird. We were sitting there talking about serotonin levels and mame levels and neurons and the limbic system, the temporal lobe, the parietal lobe, all this stuff.
Like Dana, April appreciated that this customer recognized her as a person and, in her case, as an intelligent woman, in addition to giving her a large gift of cash. The desire for struper, the need for moneu, and the impact of money on dancers’ lives cannot be overestimated.
It may signify, as it did for Dana, that a customer appreciates and can empathize with her struggles. Linee also described nail-bitingly stressful days when she made no money at all for four hours and then, at the very end of the night a. Stacy, who is 32 years old, wonders how girls working day shifts even survive.
TV The word TV. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international goox. Bernadette Barton, ‘Stripped’. Snapchat icon A ghost. Another dancer said it’s possible for strippers to ,ake money in a night if they can’t cover their tip out and house fee. Disclosure: Axel Springer is Business Insider’s parent company. Health Contributor Insider book excerpt Axel Springer.
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There are roughly 50 million parking spaces in the Maje States, and by law many of them have to get a fresh coat of reflective paint every year or two. Choose between conventional and airless line striping machines. So far. LightHouse Jul 18, Pavement Maintenance. Next Article — shares Add to Queue. Aug 22, 1, 2, Bellevue, WA. Instilling that in these guys has been the hardest. Stacy, who is 32 years old, wonders how girls working day shifts even survive.
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