With time, this could turn into a full-time venture where you could source products online and re-sell them for a financial profit. Past performance is not indicative of future results. That trend has moved on.
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Jeffrey J. Whatever we select for our library has to excel in one or the other of these two core criteria:. We rate each piece of content on a scale of 1—10 with regard to these two core criteria. Our rating helps you sort the titles on your reading list from adequate 5 to brilliant Here’s what the ratings mean:.
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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions.
Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Fox Goodreads Author. Ever dream of starting your own business? According to USA Todaymore than 47 million people want to own their own businesses and over 20 million actually.
In How to Make Big Money in Your Own Small Businessbestselling business author Jeffrey Fox offers sound rules to succeeding in small business, whether you’re running a bookstore, consulting business, or Ever dream of starting your own business? In How to Make Big Money in Your Own Small Businessbestselling business author Jeffrey Fox offers sound rules to succeeding in small business, whether you’re running a how to make big money in small business, consulting business, or restaurant.
In short chapters that range from administration and cash flow to marketing and hiring, Ro reminds entrepreneurs what’s important and what’s not, what makes a business succeed, and what causes it to fail. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published May 19th by Hachette Books first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with Mske Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews.
Showing Average busness 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 30, Erdenebaatar rated it liked it. Aug 24, Jayne rated it liked it. Snappy advice with a sassy tone. Felt like I was getting business advice from a mentor over coffee. Some useful information was gleaned although some are mostly common sense. Mar 31, Tamara rated it really liked it.
As far as business guide books go this one is short. The introduction dives into exactly why you should read this book; small businesses make a lot of money. The information that really stood out to me as important was knowing your break-even mone, using the rules, and calculating the size of your market.
The chapters are short, only a few pages each, conveying the information concisely. There are very few wasted words. Every chapter offers useful insights in small bites. Jul 11, Margot Note added it. You are always on view. Therefore, you must always be on guard as to how you act» You an out plan, outhustle, outsell, and outwork anybody» Jul 11, John rated it liked it.
You can read it in a 90 min sitting And you can learn quite a bit. Mar 14, Alfryan Irgie rated it really liked it. Semua hal yang besar berawal dari hal kecil. Tidak ada jalan pintas untuk menjadi sukses.
Jeffrey J. Fox membantu mengembalikkan semangat untuk maju dalam berbisnis beserta tips dalam ‘Menjadi Kaya dari Bisnis Kecil’. May 25, Rachel rated it liked it. Fast read of mostly common sense business advice.
More like a don’t sweat the small stuff style of one page chapters of business advice. You could read the titles of the chapters and get most of the book. If you have a big and want a light read to give your business a quick non-numbers checkup then this is it.
IF you don’t have a business pass on this one. Jul 28, Judd rated it liked it. I agree with most of the other reviews here — quick read with lots of common sense fundamentals. It’s a great first book to read in the beginning processes of forming your small business. Yet, most-likely a nice read to re-center yourself if you’ve been in business for some time and need to refocus.
Jul 03, Krishna Wiharsa rated it really liked it. A nice little and straigthforward book to remind you what is important as a business owner. It is clean and simple. Not kind of those books that are complex and elaborated of business or entrepreneurial theories. It simply tells you of street-smart ways to start and manage a small business. Sep 13, Amber rated it really liked it. It was not loaded with tons of new information, but I did get a few good ideas.
Hiring a personal driver so that one can work in the backseat so not wasting time was one of my favorite ideas in the book. Mar 20, Courtney Anne rated it liked it. Some refreshing thoughts but not a ton of New information. Quick read though with concepts that I mostly agree. Customers are your business, keep listening to what they want, be conscious of busiiness, hire the right people, and you will succeed.
Oct 04, Faith Farris rated it really liked it Shelves: It was sort of cheesy, but also kind of funny and s,all. I did think the author was a little cold-hearted when it came to talking about what you should do if an employee dies.
But I get it. Your number one priority is getting and keeping customers. Jan 04, Nikita rated it really liked it. Quick and easy read for anyone looking for some motivation and a push! View 1 comment. May 04, Michael rated it it was amazing. Short and sweet, essential reading! I’m a big buiness of Mr. Fox because he offers a great combination of substance, style, and accessible prose.
Superb book,it’s right on point. Aug 16, Aaron Benarroch rated it did not like it Shelves: garbage. One book amidst millions suggesting the very same: be confident, find your customers, conquer your customers, retain your customers, you can do it and you can do it now!
Bleah, next stop: busihess. Mar 29, Lori Grant buxiness it really liked it Shelves: small-business-managing-small-biz. A should-read book on managing your small business for entrepreneurs.
Jan 11, Jerrod rated it really liked it Shelves: my-libraryeconomics. A good quick read; nothing groundbreaking so much as the things you businses and need reminded of.
How to Make Big Money in Your Own Small Business: Unexpected Rules Every Small Business Owner Needs
And they charge hefty prices for each inspection. In many cases, people are more than willing to pay businexs qualified pet sitter in order to avoid sending their pet to a professional kennel. A variety of publications need online content in the form of stories, product or service descriptions, and reports, and if you have the talent and skill, you could easily be the one to create. All you need to start your own cleaning business is a vacuum, polish floor cleaner and, preferably, a car. Is your business phone ready? You can read it in a 90 min sitting A great way to get started is to develop a website or blog on how to make big money in small business topic, get to know people online, and promote your services at local wedding venues and throughout the community. I got a reseller’s license from the state of Illinois. Instead of charging high interest rates and fees, they are offered a promise in return for their monetary investment. There’s a fundamental difference between omney bootstrapped business and a funded business. Plenty of people buy local and in-demand products at a discount and resell busienss on eBay for profit. Dog walking is the perfect side business for anyone who has a few hours to kill during the day. The working spouse can cover the living expenses and contribute to the cost of starting a new business while you focus your time on handling all of the new business activities. You should shop around because terms and conditions differ across the board.
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