Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. The home security business helps keep communities and our families safer. Please note that if you work through an agency, you may have to commit to a minimum of 20 hours a week. I love speaking to people telephonically. Social media expert Almost everyone uses Facebook , Twitter , and Pinterest these days, but did you know that many companies will pay people to help them manage their social media accounts — sometimes even part-time from home? If so, you could easily start a snowplow business by investing in a plow attachment for your pickup truck or Jeep. Offering care during off-peak hours means that you can command a higher fee.
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You gooe the only one that can figure that. You need to think about something you like to do, complete a SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats analysis and write a business plan to prove that the business idea is viable. There a lots of businesses that make good money but they are very expensive to start or buy. Right now I don’t think too many are actually making good money due to the poor economy I think most are businexs staying in business. Prices what business makes good money skyrocketing for everything from milk and butter to gasoline and rent so make sure you take all your expenses into account before you decide to open any business. Talk to your local makee business administration and your local score representatives. They can give you guidance but don’t think that it’s going to be easy to make it.
76 Home-Based Business Ideas You Can Start Today
Do you need ideas on how to make money fast legally? As this year draws to an end, you need to position yourself properly because there are a lot of income opportunities available that can take you to whole new level. Whether you are an entrepreneur or investor, you will surely find this compilation valuable. So without wasting your time, below are 30 best money making business ideas that can make you become rich. If you have been complimented on your parties, you might be good enough to be a party planner.
Most Profitable Small Businesses
Do you need ideas on how to make money fast legally? As this year draws to an end, you need to position yourself properly because there are a lot of income opportunities available that can take you to whole new level. Whether you are an entrepreneur or investor, you will surely find this compilation valuable. So without wasting your time, below are 30 best money making business ideas that can make you become rich.
If you have been complimented on your parties, you might be good enough to be a party planner. Many people who are throwing parties will desperately need your service. The best places to herald your services would be in the entertainment section of most of the daily newspaper.
I will recommend some soft sell magazine, because placing an advert in some of businness magazines will surely go a long way in getting vusiness customers. Generally, this work goes for a flat fee, depending upon the size of the party.
From N 15, to NThink of what you are going to make in a year if you are doing at least 2 parties in a month. A lot of writers are going to be instant Millionaires this year and even. I checked my record and discovered that a lot of Nigeria Business men, CEOs, Politicians are going to be 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 years. If you have a passion for writingyou can target their birthdays, fix a date for the lunching and you are good to go.
Some of them have a lot of companies and friends that are ready to donate to the lunching of the book. So what are you waiting for to target a Nigerian Millionaire today and be an instant millionaire. They are part of our jobs and also part of our tood. You can check the computer book section of a bookstore near you and use the knowledge you have gained to teach others how to begin using a computer; how to use it more efficiently, how to get more out of it, or how to use specific software programs.
This would bring traffic into the store that is specifically interested in his product as well as give you access what business makes good money a variety of machines and software to demonstrate. All of us have seen professional photographers at sporting events. We may have used the service of professional for a wedding. But what about the local Pee Wee soccer league or the neighborhood blocks party.
If you enjoy using a camera, whether it still camera or a video camera, there is money to be made with it. Perhaps the easiest way businrss begin is to take the camera to a local youth sporting event and begin taking pictures. Be sure to have inexpensive brochures available explaining to the proud parent where they can order actions shots of their own little super stars in action. Dhat few big weekends of that type of freelance work will let goof see how big this market can be. Selling educational materials is a big business today.
Pencils, Exercise books, recommended textbooks, graphical tables, and drawing equipment are some of the materials students cannot do without on a daily basis. People who locate their shops businses these schools are bound to make a lot of money. If you can get your shop near any of these schools, you are bound to make a lot of money.
Make sure you know the relevant materials that are in demand in this environment; your success in this business is directly related to your ability to sell at a price that is very competitive. Do you have a fridge, freezer or you live close to cold rooms; then you can start a pure water business.
It is true that millions of people are in the business today, but there is still room for one more person who is still passionate to make it in the business. Markets, schools maeks mosques football matches playground and parties are some of the places you can get good business. Other ways of making money is by targeting very big events, securing a stand, rent a freezer and you will make some money. Busimess GSM recharge vouchers could equally mean printing money.
We all know that GSM husiness cards are the fastest selling product today in the country today. Imagine that you are the one producing GSM recharge vouchers that are used in your locality. You can start your own recharge card printing business. The printer what business makes good money Bsiness 38, ; you can start with Pins from N 20, You can never run out of recharge cards or experience scarcity. The amount require to set up a Bakery is directly related to the cash at hand, if you want to start small you can get a small parcel of about half a plot or a full plot of land and build a clay oven, it will cost you about N, to start, while it will cost between N4,to N5,or more to start on a large scale.
Setting up a security venture is a very lucrative business, to a lot of people, setting up a security company is a capital-intensive project. A lot of people have been scared away from attempting to set up one because of this mind-set and mentality.
It is very possible gopd start or set up a security company with little or no capital. Multinationals pay as much as N 65, per security officer and the security company collects N 15, while they pay ,oney 50, to the security officer.
Nigeria currently has over TV Stations and radio bisiness spread across the Country. It is imperative to tailor your show towards your professional background, orientation and finally. Nigeria movie industry is not making money like when it started 16 years ago as TV and Radio production is now more lucrative as TV and Radio producers now rake in Million of naira from sponsorship fee.
The boom in property sector is already showing in the high cost of cement, even property stocks on the exchange are smelling-hot. This emerging wealth is sure to simmer in to the hands of both the medium and small income earners.
It is now glaring that in the face of increased cost of land and property in the real estate sector, there is actually a big opportunity for many who know the secrets of getting it cheap when others are still ignorant and selling high. After all, that is what real estate is all about, except for the intelligence you need to acquire in order to play wbat the market rightly. As a new entrant into the industry, all you need to do is be the link between the buyer and the seller; and you are entitled to a particular commission.
Website designers are always in demand by corporate organizations, government agencies NGOs as they are willing to pay big to get their website designed. Some of them are also looking for website developers because some of nakes need to update the information on their sites. A website designing course can take a week or two; if you can browse the net very well, there is a lot of FREE software online that can guide you step-by-step on how to design a website.
However, you must make sure you follow your passion; be it taking care of children, old people, environment, or solving social economic problem. All you need to do is to start with the little you have; starting with your immediate environment. Let all the corporate organizations and individual in your vicinity know what you are doing. Millions of dollars are budgeted yearly for Mondy in Nigeria by foreign donor agencies but such funds are returned to those foreign agencies at the end of their financial year.
Stock brokerage business is a profitable business. Like every other money making venture. It has its own challenges. This is because the market is not stagnant, prices of stocks move upward and downward. In Nigeria, stock brokerage business has not been fully exploited.
This is because we are only dealing on equities and not on derivatives. Mpney is the foremost and mother of all the other oil and gas businesses because it provides you with an expansive area to play in this business. For instance, as registered petroleum marketer with NNPC, you can access the following opportunities:. However, to become a registered independent Petroleum marketer with NNPC, the starting point is the Department of Petroleum Resources DPRthe regulatory arm of the petroleum Industry and find out their requirement and what area you want to engage in, either as a depot owner or filling station owner.
And once you are able to meet the requirement, you will be given a license for storage and sales. The micro finance, regulatory and supervisory framework for Nigeria was introduced to galvanize and empowers the poor and vulnerable people by increasing their access to factors of production.
To get started, Micro finance Banks would be required to be well capitalized, technically sound and orientated towards lending based on the cash flow and character of clients. The micro finance bank provides for two categories of MFBs. Credibility would be another major issue for the emerging micro finance banks.
Depositors would need solid assurance of the safety of their funds, just as the MFB operators would by the same token require some form of guarantee goox repayment of their credits. Renting party equipment has become big business particularly in many big cities. Canopies, chairs, stage platform, ice block, drums, cooking utensils, table cloth and other party equipment are in hot demand by party organizers.
There is hardly a weekend when parties are not held. Your initial step is to find out fees charged for items and for how long. Then you should investigate the cost of making or buying some of these items. How much you make is directly related to the number of customers you.
A dozen of plastic chairs is being rented out at the rate of between N to N per dozen, while double canopies goes for N. Haulage includes using trucks and Lorries to convey goods from one goood to the.
The movement could be within a city. During conveyance, goods are accompanied by owners. In most cases, truck owners do not go scavenging for loads. As an entrepreneur, your role is that of a haulage contractor. Take note, Truck owners welcome contracts that are long term compared to one-off. Let your mark-up be minimal, but you will double your income from payment for goods collected on return trip.
Depending on the number of trips and the number of vehicle used, you can earn above Nper month. The near collapse of the industry was due to the poor funding by the government, mismanagement of the utility, corruption, poor service delivery and load shedding, use of substandard materials, electricity theft, poor revenue drive and non-payment of bills by consumers, technical and non-technical losses.
You can import any brand of generator into the Country. Just make sure you provide a good after sales service to your customers. Processed yam flour is a simple devise for the preservation of yam and making them available at our meals table all year round.
Besides, it enhances the storage process and the movement of the product. The preservation process may be supplemented with the usage of chemical preservative, which are common in Nigeria markets.
Yam flour is processed through grinding, drying, parboiling, drying and pulverization process. Do you want to sell foreign product in Nigeria?
15 Most Profitable Business Ideas for 2019
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Many insurance companies now accept dash cam videos in claims to be used as evidence, and some may even lower your insurance premium if you have one installed in your car. Common tasks can include anything from picking up dry cleaning to making dinner or assembling Ikea furniture. I am in the process of setting up a home based business of making and selling accent pieces and furniture. Really enjoyed your article. This is one great article! This trending idea will be best promoted via search. On Oberlo, you can dropship smartwatches with heart rate monitoring, which would appeal to those interested in fitness or heart patients. As a popular business idea, they work well alongside other products in an outdoor or home store. People who find your article and read it will likely be experiencing problems with their. I constantly blog in my own style. Businesses are willing to invest in quality business consultants who can help them achieve the results they are looking. Online Store It what business makes good money to be that if you had a product to sell, you also had to have a storefront and all the costs associated with it. Thk u so. Disclaimer Privacy Policy. If you can see yourself representing them and selling their products, you may want to consider becoming a what business makes good money salesperson. If you fit that bill and have experience with successfully starting and running a business, then you should definitely start your own business consultancy where you can provide these aspiring business owners with your knowledge and experience.
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