You might as well get some cash to buy something new. Moms can do this entry-level work from home, so long as they have a computer or smartphone and internet access. But this, too, has widened the demographic gap in upward mobility. The percentage differs between credit cards and categories.
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When I started this blog, I planned srill it to be a place to document my journey to financial freedom. I never planned on making money from my blog, although I did throw up some ads to try to cover costs like hosting. I started this blog in January of It was all just a bit of fun. When I discovered Pinterest, I workinb to read about bloggers who were making serious coin from their blogs.
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This long-time digital infoproduct marketplace had made many millionaires in the past, but is it still a good way for affiliates to make money? I typically trash Clickbank as a low-quality garbage bin for discount digital products worth very little money, and even less of your time. But the company is still alive and well, and in the digital info-product world I live in, people are still touting it as a great place to find things to promote for your affiliate business. I decided to investigate further to see not only if it’s still possible to make money on Clickbank, but if it’s actually possible to make honest money there. There is a lot of crap on Clickbank. How do you tell the good products from the bad? This is a matter of judgement, taste, and personal bias, but here are a few pointers.
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This long-time digital infoproduct marketplace had made many millionaires in stiill past, but is it still a etill way for affiliates to make money? I typically trash Clickbank as a low-quality garbage bin for discount digital products worth very little money, and even less of your time. But the company is still alive and well, and in the digital info-product world I live in, people are still touting it as a great place to find things to promote for your affiliate business. I decided to stoll further to mney not only if it’s still possible to make money on Clickbank, but if it’s actually possible to make honest sstill.
There is a worknig of crap on Clickbank. How do you tell the good products from the bad? This is a matter of judgement, taste, and personal bias, but here are a few pointers. OK, I’ll admit that this is a popular game and probably made money back in the day. But stuff like this is short lived and highly competitive. Plenty of products look legit, but are total BS. Do your homework! I’ll admit, this sales page has a lame design.
Worth investigating! Of course, there’s no real good answer to that, because it depends on a lot of variables.
You can make anything from zero dollars, up to to tens of thousands of dollars per month. For me personally, I don’t make that much n Clickbank, and never. It isn’t impressive, but I’ll explain more about my stats. To them, Clickbank is the foundation of their business despite the fact that there are thousands of other affiliate programs out. In this sense, Clickbank is kind of a relic of the past. Affiliate programs are so diverse nowadays, that you are not restricted to moey promoting digital products.
Workign products are just as easy to buy online workin days! Plus, as more people start shopping online every year, it’ll get easier and easier to convert them to sales. A high commission, recurring payments, and a high gravity is what mnoey want to look. Be sure to watch out for that gravity!
I found more that one product with HUGE commissions and mlney, but a super low gravity. It was several years old and obviously no longer popular. High dollar amount per sale, but very low gravity. Low gravity and low commissions? Stay far away from these! This will also depend on your niche of course, and your particular audience. You are the expert, so think about what your audience wants, and find a product to match. Here is a a popular product that can be used for many niches.
The perfect qll Start investigating NOW! Even with all these combined factors, you still need to know if this product is worth promoting. You need to investigate a few things. Very often you’ll find fake reviews from other affiliates that make makee product sound awesome, but it will probably be clear that they never tried it.
This research process is a good way to review products without having tried them. I think Clickbank is going to be around for a. Digital information products, membership sites, PDF guides and other information that can be bought and sold on the internet is only going to grow. I give CB a hard time because I work in the internet marketing industry so I see hyped and maje products all the time.
Doing research for this post though, I did find a few goodies in the marketplace. There are other marketplaces out there, but they omney in a lot worse shape that CB.
Clicksure and JVZoo are two examples. My advice is to avoid Clicksure, but JVZoo has some good stuff as. I don’t actively promote any Clickbank products these days, but when I got started with affiliate marketingI followed the crowd and promoted some Clickbank stuff. Here are my earnings from that period. These numbers are not impressive, of course, but they are the earnings of a fresh affiliate marketer.
As I got more disillusioned with Clickbank products, I promoted things less and all i m working still make small money. I didn’t work on these websites any more, but was happy to take in a random grand for the year. Don’t take that as a green light to rush over and start promoting info-products through!
Though you can still make money on Clickbank, as I have demonstrated here today, it’s not any easier than any other affiliate marketing setup. Promote products you like and understand is my main bit of advice.
Pick a niche you are interested in, then find products to fit that niche, rather than the other way moeny. That’s my advice to newbies, at. For more experienced marketers, you may find you have the patience and tenacity to see a project through to profitability, even if you’re not passionate about the smalo. Not sure what to promote? Here are smakl affiliate program owrking to get you started.
I know my Clickbank earnings were pretty poor, koney I actually make a full time income promoting other affiliate programs. I just found that most of what was on CB wasn’t my style, and there was too much junk to sort.
Don’t be limited by what you find in the Clickbank marketplace. There’s a whole other world out. Clickbank is just one affiliate networkand has a very limited number of things to promote. I started out as a newbie inand quit my job xmall Now I spend my days helping other people on their own businesses. If you want to start a new online business or have an existing one you need help with, you can get 1-on-1 support from ME!
All you need to do is join the same online business training center where I learned to build my first business. What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my 1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!
The most stilk among these methods are email marketing, writing to forums, article writing and offline promotion like classified ads. The main idea is that instead of promoting your website you will directly promote your affiliate links and people will directly go to the merchant website by clicking your affiliate links to purchase the products.
If you are doing email marketing, where are you subscribers coming from? How are you going to get free traffic? With a website. And no, you cannot promote affiliate links in blogs, and goooooooooood luck promoting affiliate links in classified workng. On occasions when I did actually receive a product, rarely, I dare say never wtill it been what was promised, and has always been a very poorly written ebook or series of ebooks written apparently by some kid all i m working still make small money his bedroom, or mxke general information and nothing special at all, and certainly not fulfilling anything the marketing material claimed it would provide.
Clickbank products for areas and subjects that I have been interested in and purchased have always been very cheap, poor quality products despite their sales pages claiming they were far more substantial, far more detailed, would provide information that was not readily available, and would provide secrets and hard to find monet that would provide effective results very quickly.
The have never been anything of the sort. Needing to find a way to get some money coming smaol myself after falling on hard times years maake, I read up a lot on the subject and watched a lot of YouTube videos on affiliate marketing and selling information products online. I also spent a LOT of time searching through the ClickBank Marketplace trying to find something of good quality with a high gravity score, good initial commission, and reasonable rebill rates, and just got burned out from the exhausting, tedious exercise….
Even the Article Marketing that used to be free started charging to post articles… and putting up a blog or a website without driving traffic to it is as good as having no site at all. What I need to learn about is how to actually advertise physical products that can be drop shipped and advertised on eBay or Amazon.
But so far, that information has not been easy to get. Your email address will not be published. Share Tweet. Here are the questions I hope to answer: Are there any quality products on Clickbank worth promoting? A look inside my Clickbank earnings What Now? Nathaniell What’s up ladies and dudes! Comments The use of a website to promote your affiliate products is a good idea but it is not necessary.
You can use mony alternate methods to promote your affiliate products and links. This way you do not have to pay extra for your website creation and maintenance. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Leave this field .
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