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How much money does cancer research make

how much money does cancer research make

If you take away the number of cigarette associated cases of lung cancer then the number drops and you can see why that form would get less funding. Questions to Ask about Advanced Cancer. Cancel Delete comment. Grant and Contract Awards.

Miscellaneous mathematical science occupations make an average of $57,190 a year

Physicists, computer scientists, and paleontologists were among the most lucrative careers, earning six-figure salaries. May conduct soil surveys and develop plans to eliminate soil erosion or to protect rangelands. May instruct farmers, deos production managers, or ranchers in best ways to use crop rotation, contour plowing, or terracing to conserve soil and water; in the number and kind of livestock and forage plants best suited to particular ranges; and in range and farm improvements, such as fencing and reservoirs for stock watering. May specialize in wildlife research and management. May collect and analyze biological data to determine the environmental effects of present and potential use of yow and water habitats. May classify and map soils and investigate effects of alternative practices on soil and crop productivity. May develop the means for prevention and control; o versee public health programs, including statistical analysis, health care cacer, surveillance systems, and public health improvement.

How much money is raised and spent in fighting cancer?

how much money does cancer research make
The most recent figure on a global scale is from when funding was around 11 billion Euros. All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed.

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I have breast cancer, double mastectomy. Do you think he may loan me money for a breast replacement? How many nickels and dimes does that take to fill up a jar at the local Speedy Mart just to pay him to hold this position of CEO?

The ACS has always bothered me. They mudh never any help for my patients who needed financial support. We raised money locally, and it went somewhere — but the money never helped any of my local patients. I could not see where the money did any good in the fight against malignancies.

Those of us in the trenches fighting cancer paid for the chemotherapy drugs that patients could not afford. Drug companies did not help in the ‘s and neither did the American Cancer Society. I called them myself asking them to help my patients. I hope there is some research that has been useful coming from ACS fund raisers. I’d like to see someone provide data on money well spent by.

The wikipedia article on the ACS mentions some nobel prize winners — but I’m not convinced that the many billions of dollars donated have been spent wisely. I was a volunteer for the ACS in my early years of practice. I thought they would ask me to give talks — which they did on occasion.

But usually they would have me spending my rare days off taking tickets at some fund raiser or another — at a time when I was seeing cancer patients at five hospitals and working over hours per week. I worked 26 of every 30 days then — so there were only four days off per month. I grew tired on sitting behind a table doing things that anyone could. When I quit, the paid person who headed the local cancer society told me I didn’t care about cancer patients. I’ll never forgive. At that time, I figured that half of the hours I worked were free care for cancer patients.

They were all like family to me. I saw more of my patients than I saw my wife and kids. I do hope someone gets on this question and credibly defends the American Cancer Society.

Prove nake wrong — please! The Wikipedia summary of the ACS history mentions that fraud and abuse have been problematic — incuding lies about the proportion of donated funds that truly went to patients or research. We have had how much money does cancer research make of greed and lies in this country the USA. It is especially despicable to take advantage of people who work and donate — — thinking they are helping cancer patients.

I always advise people to donate to their local Reseadch organization instead. Spreedog, that is one of the best comments I’ve seen on the internet. Your honesty and passion you have for you patients is clear from your words.

Nothing can take that away from you. It’s disgusting how much money these people make. Where are the cures? Where is the help to the families?

Cancer is a business that’s booming. The lines of people getting chemo therapy is out the door every single day. I don’t know but I think we will never see a cure who wants to do away with a cash cow like cancer.

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Teacher who kneeled during CFP title game speaks. Ivanka Trump’s sister-in-law breaks with the family. Tristan Thompson ejected from game after rare. Gee Whillakers. He makes overa year!!!!!!! Answer Save. Spreedog Lv 7. Good question and excellent point you’ve already. Yes, I know this is an extreme view colored by my own experience with the ACS. I don’t mind being proven wrong.

So much for a volunteer organization of caring people. Source s : MD medical oncologist — cander specialist physician for 20 years. Muxh 4 years ago Report. Hospice is a better place to donate your hard earned money. How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer. Shark Lv 7. Still have rezearch Get your answers by asking .

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More information about this methodology, as well as the research projects associated with these and other disease area categories, are available on the NCI Funded Research Portfolio website. And even though prostate cancer is very common and relatively rarely fatal, I momey my father to prostate cancer after a horrible nine year fight. Pediatric Supportive Care. Flag comment Cancel. How we spend your money hero-how-we-spend. These are all non-invasive treatments targeting tumors with a preciseness exceeding the skills of any leading neurosurgeon, as well as surgeons of other disciplines. Learn more about pink ribbon marketing and what you can do to help create real change to end the breast cancer epidemic. Are there consultants who specialize in winning grants for hospitals and other research teams? The reality is that many of us are sustained by the smoking economy, whether we redearch or not. Oral contraceptives, like the Pill, caused about breast cancers and 52 cervical cancers — but it also prevented about 1, ovarian how much money does cancer research make uterine womb cases of cancer last year. Diagnosis and Staging. Demetri, MD. Despite the good news, our work is not .


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