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How to make money selling game currency

how to make money selling game currency

Any player will be able to purchase tokens and move them to their game account. How It Works. Or just people operating gold-farming sites? USFine would definitely be one of them, sure.

How to make Money while Gaming

They may also be considered illegal in some countries. So continue at your own risk. GameSkinny does not condone illegal activity of any sort. If you clicked on this article, you’re interested in turning video games into a source of income. If you have played MMOs, then you probably have also seen your share of bots or gold farmers. Now while some games take an active stance against selling digital currency or items for cash, you have moments and games that allow it.

The Gameflip Benefits for Sellers

how to make money selling game currency
Gaming is an extremely fun past-time, and turning it into a full-time income is many people’s ultimate dream. Luckily for you, it’s not only possible — video games can earn you more than a traditional job. This is pretty much the O. Game developers will pay game testers to try out their games in a real player environment. They are paid to spot bugs and make suggestions on how to improve the game.

Revenue Streams

Entropia also contains a market where expendable resources ammunition, probes, guns, finders, extractors can be purchased directly or other players. Just make sure you read the EULA of the game you are hoow if you decide to go down this path. If you decide on using a website, make sure you do your research to find the best fit. Rather than visually shove my opinion down your throat and burnt sellinng you eyes, spend your money on taking care of you, not a computer generated avatar. Windows Mac iPhone Android. There are mediators of sorts who take your gold then distribute the vame between all the gold sites, depending on how much they need. In just about any multiplayer online game, the best gear and weaponry is also the hardest to obtain. The price will be twice as high, due to additional conversion costs.


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