I chose to offer free shipping because this attracts more buyers. Sites like Ebay are perfect for doing just […]. Now masses of items in every category in the uk. I went to garage sales and Craigslist to get inventory. Ebay has become an online garage sale. You are correct.
How We Got Started Selling on eBay
Why is it so hard to make money online? I spent a year and half trying to figure out how to earn a steady income on the internet. You can actually learn more about my journey right. I know there are countless people out there that struggle to make money on the internet every single day. Amke work incredibly hard. I strongly believe this is a part of the process people must experience before they become successful in this business.
How to make money on eBay in 37 minutes
So what gives? Is it easy to get rich quick on eBay, or is it impossible to make a buck under any circumstances? As has always been the case, some sellers are doing very well on eBay while others struggle. What has changed in recent years is the nature of the marketplace. Just about every entrepreneur , business, and trader of every kind sells on eBay or has considered selling on eBay, and most people are well-accustomed to online buying, including savvy price comparison and product comparison practices. Today on eBay there are more sellers than ever before, and competition is much more intense than it was when the company started. The present-day buyer is much more sophisticated about getting great value and has been trained to comparison-shop.
5 expert tips for selling on eBay
Posted by R. Some links included here are from our sponsors. Read our Disclaimer and Advertiser Disclosure. Not only can anyone get started, one can also learn valuable skills like copywriting, market research, and negotiating. But not for the things you find on eBay. People even buy and sell cars on mpney Before we dive right into the nitty gritty of how to make money on eBay, I want to introduce to how we got started with flipping items on eBay.
At the time my wife was a devoted guitar collector and wanted to find a way to make more money on the side of our jobs and my blog. So she started dbay list some of her guitars on eBay. She then took that product knowledge of guitars and started finding more guitars to buy and then resell on eBay.
She would also find guitars that needed repairs, by them cheap and make repairs to sell them for more money. As there was more and more demand of her time with her side business, I started helping with the manual work that goes into listings such as taking pictures, keyword research, creating good descriptions and the noney portion.
This extra money goes into our savings, investments and back into the side business for eBay fees, future purchases, repairs. It is quite simple to make money on eBay and I am going to tell you the exact steps that we follow for our own selling process. Start off by ia of maje types of items you want to sell on eBay.
What interests you? What do you see on eBay already doing well? For our own eBay side business, we chose guitars. We also sell other musical accessories, electronics, computer gear and collectibles like FurryBones. We chose those items because my wife was already a guitar collector and had a lot of knowledge about what brands are in high demand. We also work in I. Designer brands do very well on eBay. Research each style and see how the prices currently line up with other sellers on eBay.
See if they have good descriptions and photos of what they are selling. If you see at least one element of the listing that you could improve upon if you were to itt that same item, go for ahy. Read their description, is it descriptive enough and is there anything wrong with the bag?
Are the photos high quality with good lighting? If they are missing key elements of the listing and there is nothing that is wrong with the tote, buy that item. That is one way to research items to find ones that you can easily resell. Once you get a good handle on what kind of items you want to sell, start going out and finding those items for cheap to resell.
For designer brands as mentioned above, your best bet is either buying them off of eBay when you see the chance for a good steal or going to local thrift stores. A good store for designer brands is Clothing Mentor. They always have the top brands in the best condition. For weird items and antiques, go to auctions and see what you can snag for cheap. For items like books or art work, go to yard sales and flea markets. The easiest way to make a lot of money on eBay quickly is to find items that can resell for a lot of money.
We find guitars on eBay and other music instrument resale platforms like Reverb that are listed way below their value and may even have some flaws. We purchase them, do minor repairs and maybe a coat of paint. Then resell them for what they would actually be worth and sometimes with the demand, that price can go up throughout the year.
Keywords in your title and description. You can use that feature to automatically pull in keywords and then edit the title to your specifics. Now you must monitor how your items are doing in case there is anything you need to tweak in your listings. Give eBay 24 hours fbay you start searching for your listings to itt if they pop up on eBay search easily. After about 1 or 2 days of your items being live, look to see how many views they have so far and how many watchers they mone. If you see a low number of views and 0 watchers, try searching for your listing in eBay to see if mwke can even find it.
There is a wonderful tool that you can use especially for finding eBay keywords. I suggest using it! See here how I tested the search for the same listing I showed you. Our listing comes up in the second spot! Also, you may start receiving offers on your items but they are all extremely low offers. Haggle with the offer and always send the price that you are willing to sell the item for back to the person who initially proposed the offer.
For each listing, eBay has a shipping section where you can either enter the exact dimensions of your item and what shipping carrier you want to use. Then eBay automatically tacks on that shipping price figured from what you entered. Or you can include your shipping price in the price of the item yourself and select free shipping for the listing.
Always why is it so hard to make money on ebay the shipping through eBay. Also, never use the post office. I have had too many problems with them to. UPS monsy going to be your best bet. Buyers are more inclined to purchase from an account with a high seller rating. As a consumer, I want to make sure I am going to get what I purchased in good condition.
Regardless of price. Keep good and respectable communication with the buyer. This is what you want to strive. Sometimes you might have a person who is just difficult to deal with all together but do your best to communicate effectively with them to steer them away from leaving you a bad rating. If they receive what they purchased in good condition and on time, they will most likely give you a raving review. I like to add little finishing touches on my shipments.
I add a little thank you card and personal note. This makes them feel more connected to you and are bound to give you a better rating. You just need to have that extra time to devote to it and be consistent. The winter is the busiest time for us but then the spring time might be slower for us. When things start slowing down is when we do a second look at all of our listings to see what we can tweak to get them to sell quicker. Or we might purchase for items to list.
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Turn on suggestions. Some simple tips to avoid getting burned too bad are: Buyers: Never use the option to pay using your checking account. My first rodeo there! Why is lt so difficult to sell on Ebay these days? But that’s true for onn job, everywhere unless you’re that lucky chap working as a mattress tester. Like this page and get stories that matter, job updates and lots more!!! Was good up until about ish. You’ll get an auto 5 star for mpney cost on free shipping items. Just about every entrepreneurbusiness, and trader of every kind sells on eBay or has considered selling on eBay, and most people are well-accustomed to online buying, including savvy price comparison and product comparison practices. Thanks for your article. Yes you are all correct. Competition from direct China wholesalers is part of the problem, along with many other bad ebay policy changes around The economy, the time of year, etc, etc etc
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