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Can you make money selling your clothes on ebay

can you make money selling your clothes on ebay

By Suzanne Wells. Credit Cards Personal Finance. Thanks for sharing the tips!


Ebay gives its users 20 free listings per month, so armed only with the contents of our wardrobe, we can be off to the races with a mini online empire in hardly any time at all. These clothess you state the exact price that you want, and your buyer can take it there and then, or leave it. Ebay is a little economy in its own right and there are trends and supply and demand factors unique to the platform that will ultimately determine how much cash you stand to make. This gives you a load of insight into what price you should ask for, and how long you can expect to wait for it to sell. Probably the. Some great pictures let your buyers know exactly what to expect, and they can give you the edge over other people trying to sell the same item.

Don’t just assume that an auction is the way to go

can you make money selling your clothes on ebay
But convincing yourself that you no longer need that slinky dress you wore one time three years ago is only half the battle. And selling its contents on eBay will likely provide a far better return. Consignment shops do the work for you. You drop off your stuff, and the retailer handles the resale process. Follow these easy steps to start and streamline your eBay business. Select a username; enter and confirm your name, address, and phone number; and specify an automatic payment method for paying your seller fees. Do your research!

How I got my start

But convincing yourself that you no longer need that slinky dress you wore one time three years ago is only half the battle. And selling its contents on eBay will likely provide a far better return. Consignment shops do the work for you. You drop off your stuff, and the retailer handles the resale process. Follow these easy steps to start and streamline your eBay business.

Select a username; enter and confirm your name, address, and phone number; and specify an automatic payment method for paying your seller fees. Do your research! For example, hot J. Same goes with items that gained popularity on blogs. Clothing should be clean and appear tidy. Tip: Iron or steam while watching a movie or television show to make the task more enjoyable! Good photos are key to making sales! Find a white wall that gets good natural light, and install a 3M hook that can withstand some weight.

Ditch the white plastic hanger for a wooden, velvet, or sequined one. No need to bust out the DSLR anymore! Smartphones have come a long way, and so has their photography quality. Use a photo-editing app like Snapseed to both take and edit the photos. Increase the exposure for brighter and more appealing images! But make sure not to over filter, which skews the coloring of your item and makes the photo less crisp.

You should take pictures of any damage or well-worn spots. The mobile app is the quickest way to get your stuff up on eBay. Make sure to be completely honest about your products. Use old packaging materials to cut down on costs, and include a tracking number on all shipments. To save time, use the self-service kiosk at your local USPS! In my experience, Poshmark is too elitist. People spam a lot and unless its a designer bag, no one wants it. Poshmark to me is just ghetto!

It helps to show photos of the items on, too! I have a friend who sells on eBay often and she says that items get a higher price if you save the tags — you can cut the tags off — but display the tags in photos. The bag that the item came in, if you ordered online. Arguably. How do you decide what to estimate for shipping costs? Do you usually just factor in a quick ship box from the post office?

This is such a great question. Everyone has their own feeling on shipping costs, but I kind of feel like lower shipping costs attract buyers.

It seems to even out in the end! Otherwise, I use my own makeshift packaging. Tip: Put everything can you make money selling your clothes on ebay a plastic bag to avoid water damage! LOVE this article, girl! I am definitely giving this a shot. I started doing this with clothes and other items can you make money selling your clothes on ebay I moved last year and the return has been amazing!!

Definitely a great article! I love this article! Is there anything I should be particularly aware of, if not, I will follow your steps and start selling. I took your advice and started my own eBay page! Thanks for sharing the tips! Day one down and so far two sales! In regards to selling internationally, are there any hoops to jump through for export regulations on clothing?

How do you make your post stand out? This is a great idea. Seems like a similar strategy to this video actually. This is such a great post! They also say rude things about other sellers and customers they will make post with the picture of the buyer or other seller it is do unprofessional and low class. Not nearly as easy as it sounds list 50 items and you MAY sell 2 or 3 You will pay Give this a try. Surely these tips will help me to give new ideas for my business.

I will definitely try for. Along with all the official guidelines of eBay it is needed to prepare the product images properly.

Otherwise it wont be possible to attract the customers as well as to increase the sales. Great Blog, Kelly.

Visually showcasing the latest collection and styles will entice your visitors to shop further into the site. Hire a professional photographer to provide striking images of all your products. Hello I wanted to thank you I followed your advice in this article and have done exceptionally well on my first ebay sale- some items goingfor 5 times their original listing price — much appreciated.

Very impressive plan, success-able strategy and explain step by step so easily. Just shared your article. Super easy!

Rachel M. Just wanted to share my experience! Thanks for sharing your experience! LA Woman. Flandy Orton. How well can it work? James Jean. Alyssa Loring. Kelly in the City. Totally agree! Triple points if you happen to have the original packaging. Do you mean price tags? So they see what you originally payed? Hi Tracy! Hope this helps! This is a great idea! Danielle Leach. Sarah Nunez. I send it as a gift, because the taxes the buyer will have to pay is a lot.

Bella Batali. Tiffany Davis. Be quiet Bella batali everyone knows your a man. Such a great post, thank you! I will definitely be using this advice. Jake Alexander. Thanks Antoni! Wuanto is an awesome eBay tool! Random question, but where did you find your awesome hanger in the photo?

Joshua Arnold. Richard Staple. Very nice information about ebay. J Cooper. Dannis Thornton.

My ebay business FINALLY started making me money

Don’t just assume that an auction is the way to go

Even then, there are some costs that you need to keep in mind. Joshua Arnold. This accomplished two things:. Wise Bread Picks. Rule of thumb: Fixed price listings give you more control over the sale price, but items can take longer to sell than with an auction-style listing. Determine a selling format You can choose between auction-style listings with an optional «Buy It Now» price, or fixed price listings. Even if your goal is just to make a few extra dollars per month take some time and read over the tutorials. When I graduated from college and started my first job, I was on a strict budget. She only cared about the style of the items that she felt SHE would wear so that must of meant can you make money selling your clothes on ebay everyone would like it. The likelihood of selling your clothing items increase when they are displayed on a mannequin. Buyers want to know what the garment is made of. Emily Anderson. LA Woman. Selling clothes on eBay takes effort.


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